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第28页 (第1/2页)
Huderson停下来,拿过那个盒子,打开,看着我。我伸手拿出领结,绕在他脖子上,系一个漂亮的结,然后帮他整理衣领。他抓住我的一只手,在手指上印上一个吻,说: When I first saw you, you looked like a crazy teenage model protected by a knight in Prada. And the 2nd time, you suddenly turo a derella running away before the midnight for her true love Am I that shallow? 我反问,But Im really impressed that you still remember every details about a girl you met 4 years ago. I have a good memory, 他有点得意,I call the name of each staff in this building. Because they all have a badge on their uniform with their name on it?我完全放开了,跟他开起玩笑。 他笑起来,然后正色说到: I am a guy devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, but first of all a business man. You know its impossible for me to mix up the business and the girls. So lets get the things straight, what do you want for tonight? 我想了想回答:Actually, I have hought about spending night here. Im only hoping you returning a small favor for this bowtie, which costs 2 days pay of a first year atant like me. 2008-11-02 16:24:50(第69楼) [原创]这是一支别离的歌 -New York to Paris-全文完 续47) Favor? For yourself or for your friend? Actually I dont know much about his plan, and Im not expeg you giving him money or doing business with him. 他带着点笑容看着我,等我说下去。 I want you to give him 30 minutes, let him talk about his proposal, and ask him one question. Things getting funny. Whats the question? Ask him to sacrifice me for his business plan. You know how to do this. Why should I play this vicious amp; sick role? I may not know a lot about the riches. But acc to the films and the soap operas, they love the twisted tests of humanity. [ 本帖最后